Why Everyone Above The Age of 35 Needs Omega-3
We all know that people start experiencing health problems as they age. Our eyesight starts decreasing, our joints start hurting, and we might even experience high blood pressure and heart problems.
Now what if I tell you all of that happens because you’re missing one key nutrient from your diet?
I bet that caught your attention. But right now, you might be a bit skeptical. “How can this be possible? How can one nutrient affect my health so significantly,” you might wonder.
Science, my dear friend. Science.
You probably played Dominoes as a kid. When you knock over one Domino, the rest of the dominoes fall. It’s a chain reaction.
The human body is like Dominoes. It’s maintained by several cellular processes that happen at the same time. These cellular processes are powered by other cellular processes, as well as various enzymes and nutrients.
Simply put, there’s so much going on in your body at any given time.
So when one thing goes wrong, it affects the the rest of your body, just like Dominoes.
But what nutrient is powerful enough to affect your heart health, your joints, and your eyesight?
That would be the omega-3 fatty acids.
These are also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3s are important because they help prevent cardiovascular disease, improve eye function, cure joint pains, boosts heart health, and helps your body heal faster when you’re injured.
And here’s how.

1. Omega-3 boosts heart health and prevents cardiovascular disease.
2. Omega-3 improves your eye health.
DHA, one type of omega-3, is a major structural component of the brain and retina. The retina is what converts the light that your eyes see, into electric signals that the brain can process.
And since DHA makes up such a large part of the retina, you may experience vision problems when you don’t get enough DHA.
A 2014 study conducted by the Association for Research in Ophthalmology discovered that omega-3 is linked to a reduced risk of macular degeneration.
That’s how powerful omega-3 is. It can protect you from one of the biggest causes of eye damage and blindness.
3. Omega-3 reduces joint pains and helps prevent arthritis and osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis (weakened bones) and joint pains are a major problem that cause bone fractures every three seconds.
And hundreds of millions of people worldwide are affected by it.
Bones are made up of water, minerals (mainly calcium and phosphate), and matrix proteins in the form of collagen. Omega-3s increase the amount of calcium your gut absorbs, enhance the effects of vitamin C, and strengthens the synthesis of bone collagen.
This reduces the friction and inflammation caused when joints rub together. And that reduces joint pains, and helps prevent the development of arthritis.
4. Omega-3 fights inflammation.

5. Omega-3 helps your body heal faster when you’re injured.
This is especially important because your body’s ability to heal itself starts slowing down as you age.
Blood takes longer to clot, scars take longer to heal, meaning that it takes you longer to recover when you’re injured.
Two types of omega-3, EPA and DHA, stimulate blood circulation and cause fibrin to respond faster — fibrin is the protein that helps you heal when you’re injured by clotting blood and forming scars.
If you’ve read this far, I’m sure you understand how important it is to invest in your health. As we get older, our body starts aging, and we start experiencing health issues.
And by now, you know just how crucial omega-3 is to your health — and you even understand the science behind it.
Which is why I’m letting you in on a little secret
Our professionals have spent countless hours in the lab testing ingredients and recording our results, just like grade school chemistry class.
And we’ve realized a problem with hundreds and hundreds of omega-3 supplements on the market.
They’re filled with more “proprietary blend” and additives than actual Omega-3.
That means you’re wasting your money on a product that’s only half as effective as it could be.
That’s simply outrageous!
Which is why our professional chemists have formulated an incredibly potent supplement that contains 550 mg. of EPA and 330 mg. of DHA, so you don’t need to take multiple pills a day — one pill contains all the omega-3 you need.
Our supplements contain 3 to 4 times more omega-3 than other brands. And at the same price point — it won’t cost you an arm and a leg!
Breakthrough formula contains 550 mg. of EPA and 330 mg. Of DHA — that’s 3 to 4 times more omega-3 than any other products on the market!
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The product is very good. You can find the difference in a few days. You feel energetic and fresh. Since it is triple strength I and my wife take only one pill a day. That should be enough. I would highly recommend this product to all. Thanks and well wishes. Keep up the good work.
These are real reviews from real people who’ve used our Omega-3 Supplements — ordinary people just like you.
They were all so happy with our product, they even agreed to have their names shown here!