Wow Science

Turmeric: About, Benefits, Uses, Dosage and Rec...
About Turmeric Turmeric (Haldi, in Hindi) is a superfood that has been trusted traditionally, and is also much researched and validated for its antioxidant-rich therapeutic goodness in modern times. Turmeric...
Turmeric: About, Benefits, Uses, Dosage and Rec...
About Turmeric Turmeric (Haldi, in Hindi) is a superfood that has been trusted traditionally, and is also much researched and validated for its antioxidant-rich therapeutic goodness in modern times. Turmeric...

Apple Cider Vinegar for a Glowing Complexion
What is the best accessory a girl can wear? Glowing skin, of course! Healthy skin takes tender loving care, a strict skincare regimen and a good diet to achieve. Fortunately,...
Apple Cider Vinegar for a Glowing Complexion
What is the best accessory a girl can wear? Glowing skin, of course! Healthy skin takes tender loving care, a strict skincare regimen and a good diet to achieve. Fortunately,...

4 ways to protect your hair from hard water
Do you often notice a thin white crusty film on your tap? If the answer is yes, then you have hard water in your home. We say water is hard...
4 ways to protect your hair from hard water
Do you often notice a thin white crusty film on your tap? If the answer is yes, then you have hard water in your home. We say water is hard...

WOW Skin Science Best of Beauty 2019
2020 is nearly upon us. Time to work out your beauty resolutions for the new year. Think clean, fresh skin, voluminous, glossy hair, and firm, smooth body. As you work...
WOW Skin Science Best of Beauty 2019
2020 is nearly upon us. Time to work out your beauty resolutions for the new year. Think clean, fresh skin, voluminous, glossy hair, and firm, smooth body. As you work...

7 Reasons Why Silicones Are Not Good For Your Skin
The promise of instant smooth skin and shiny hair is so alluring; but the lush, velvety feeling is momentary, not long lasting, and definitely not beneficial for your skin and...
7 Reasons Why Silicones Are Not Good For Your Skin
The promise of instant smooth skin and shiny hair is so alluring; but the lush, velvety feeling is momentary, not long lasting, and definitely not beneficial for your skin and...

Probiotics: About, Benefits, Uses, Dosage and R...
About Probiotics Probiotics are bacteria that are good for our health. Surprised that there are ‘good for health’ bacteria too? We invariably think of bacteria as harmful germs but not...
Probiotics: About, Benefits, Uses, Dosage and R...
About Probiotics Probiotics are bacteria that are good for our health. Surprised that there are ‘good for health’ bacteria too? We invariably think of bacteria as harmful germs but not...